New ‘RHOD’ cast member Angel receiving death threats
Entrepreneur, singer and influencer Angel Ndlela says her life is being threatened after joining the fourth season of #RHODurban.

Businesswoman and Real Housewives of Durban (RHOD) cast member Angel Ndlela has not had a rosy start to the fourth season of the Showmax Original series.
In the first few episodes of the reality show, the construction magnet stepped on a couple of toes, unfortunately resulting in death threats – Sunday World reports.
Angel told the publication that she does not take the threats, and vile messages she receives on social media, seriously.
“I have been getting death threats and some bizarre comments and direct messages such as I deserve to be raped. It is bizarre, I know. And that is why I laugh it off, delete, block, and move on with my life,” she said.
In the first episode of the season, the Howick-born influencer rudely snapped at fellow cast member Zama Ngcobo for calling her a “kid”. This was despite the fact that she had been referring to herself as “the baby” of the group. Fortunately, the pair buried the hatchet in the second episode.
In the same episode, however, Angel had a bone to pick with another RHOD cast member Maria Valaskatzis. Unlike the issue with Zama, this one is yet to be resolved as Maria was still fuming in the third episode.
“Having seen myself now, I believe there could be a better way to deliver things. As people continue to watch the show they will see me grow and be a better person. In a nutshell, I don’t think I am dramatic,” Angel said.
Although the 29-year-old has a loud and strong personality, she has also been able to show the RHOD viewers her vulnerable side.
During the second episode, Angel opened up about her fertility issues.
The entrepreneur revealed that she discovered lumps in her breast in 2018 and was diagnosed with fibroprofilerative breast disease.
“So I got onto a contraceptive, and everybody knows (inevetibly) a contraceptive will affect your fertility. From that I got blood clots, I would get my period for months on end,” she explained in the show.
The fashion designer told Sunday World that she is sharing her story to raise awareness and help inspire people dealing with fertility struggles.
“I will raise awareness that it is very important to do research, not be afraid of a potential condition that you might have. To not leave things out until it’s too late.
“It was important for me to share because I have people in my life going through the worst. I thought if I could share a glimpse of what I am going through it could touch the life of someone going through a similar situation, ” she explained.