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  1. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    If laziness was a olympic sport id come fourth,so i didnt have to climb the podium
    • Funny Funny x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Anniemated

    Anniemated Writer of fantasies, achiever of dreams In XNXX Heaven

    Mar 21, 2019
    For those that don't know 'trump' is English slang for FART. Don't yell at me it's true, go Google.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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    1. 1 Toy Maker
      You should run for president Annie
      1 Toy Maker, Sep 23, 2019
    2. Anniemated
      Wrong country, mind you I couldn't do any worse.
      Anniemated, Sep 23, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
    3. deegenerate
      Hahahaha! I didn't know that. How can we not be hearing more jokes about that?
      deegenerate, Sep 24, 2019
    4. Anniemated
      Would they dare? It has been mentioned quite a few times over here :)
      Anniemated, Sep 24, 2019
    5. Ficxa 479
      Thanks for inlight
      Ficxa 479, Sep 28, 2019
  3. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    I don't think @StanleyOG
    should be so quick to shift misplaced threads from the donkeys who haven't bothered to read the rules.
    Let us have fun with them a bit longer, ya dick.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2019
    1. StanleyOG

      sure :]
      StanleyOG, Sep 24, 2019
      Lioness and Cherrypop like this.
    2. Valspar
      Valspar, Sep 24, 2019
  4. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Hey where did the girl who moved to Capemay go
    1. View previous comments...
    2. deegenerate
      I hope she didn't get your IP address, T1. LOL
      deegenerate, Sep 24, 2019
    3. Truthful 1
      Lol yea if we could talk to her we knew where she was Id swear that was the webeegong.
      Truthful 1, Sep 24, 2019
      deegenerate likes this.
    4. deegenerate
      Nah, there's another one here that I think is her/him.
      deegenerate, Sep 24, 2019
    5. Truthful 1
      Especially when she move to my home town .
      Truthful 1, Sep 24, 2019
    6. Truthful 1
      Yes i seen that again today dee lol. She Had no panty's on lol
      Truthful 1, Sep 24, 2019
  5. Anniemated

    Anniemated Writer of fantasies, achiever of dreams In XNXX Heaven

    Mar 21, 2019
    OK why do Americans pronounce Herbs with a silent H? Yes, yes I know it came from the Old French word erbe but that didn't have an H, now it does!
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Or it maybe a waste of thyme
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 24, 2019
    3. Truthful 1
      Why is the H ,in herbs ,even there
      Truthful 1, Sep 24, 2019
      deegenerate likes this.
    4. Sarah Story
      So we English can say it properly
      Sarah Story, Sep 24, 2019
    5. Truthful 1
      Thats sounds just wrong
      Truthful 1, Sep 24, 2019
    6. BigSuzyB
      The “h” was dropped back in day for radio and television. Something about the way old time microphones reacted the the pronunciation. There was another word that was changed for the same reason but it escapes me at the moment.
      BigSuzyB, Sep 24, 2019
      Anniemated likes this.
  6. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Assuming The South Korean ship was heading to Georgia and not from it, how does the ship make it other side of the world only to capsize off the Coast of Georgia @slutwolf your expert opinion would be appreciated
  7. ace's n 8's

    ace's n 8's Porn Star

    Oct 26, 2008

    I have always had a sexual fondness of Miss Sandra, now that she has finally gotten herself back to reality and told Cuomo to hit the road jack, my desire to give her a real good asshole tongue fucking has grown even deeper.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. View previous comments...
    2. Rixer
      She was. I haven't seen her in a while.
      Rixer, Sep 27, 2019
    3. Lioness
      And she was married to Cuomo?
      Lioness, Sep 28, 2019
    4. Rixer
      I think she was his live in squeeze.
      Rixer, Sep 28, 2019
    5. Lioness
      Maybe he liked her cooking...
      Lioness, Sep 28, 2019
      Rixer likes this.
    6. Rixer
      well yeah, that too. I love everything she cooks also. Well at least from watching her make it. I've never sampled her pie.. :rolleyes:
      Funny thing, I don't know how she stays so slim. Her food isn't exactly diet stuff.
      Rixer, Sep 28, 2019
  8. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    154 spam emails in 24 hours on my gmail account.

    Zero in my protonmail account.

    The Swiss take privacy seriously.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    I wonder if that was Elizabeth Warren I seen on xnxx ( my mother-in-law blooming to get my vote ) category
    After drinking beer and Grilling steaks
  10. JimmyCrackPorn

    JimmyCrackPorn Porn Star

    Sep 11, 2017
    So, this morning, while eating breakfast with the TV on, the typical Ronko-type voice comes on for a product called "Insta-Hang" which was really only for a "rotating shelf" that you can stick in any corner, whatever.

    Anyway, I thought "wouldn't that have been a great name for another type of product?" Like, maybe the latest ED product?

    Tired of wasting Viagra by taking one before a dinner date, only to find out "tonight's not your night"? Now, you can wait till you get back to your place (or her place, or your backseat or...), pop one in your mouth and
    whoomp 2x speed 8 fps.gif
    There it is!

    Try new Insta-hang! :D
    • Funny Funny x 6
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Rixer
      I don't worry about it when I date. It's a sure thing. :thumbsup:
      Cuz it's the wife....
      Rixer, Sep 26, 2019
      Truthful 1 and theperverted1 like this.
    2. JimmyCrackPorn
      And the dick?

      JimmyCrackPorn, Sep 26, 2019
    3. Rixer
      Viagra still works...;)
      Rixer, Sep 26, 2019
      theperverted1 likes this.
    4. Ficxa 479
      Guess you got a spare prosthesis.
      Ficxa 479, Sep 28, 2019
  11. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Is posting a sonogram considered a violation of the rules on the site as it is technically a minor?
    • Like Like x 1
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  12. Anniemated

    Anniemated Writer of fantasies, achiever of dreams In XNXX Heaven

    Mar 21, 2019
    I've got a tic in my right eye, I'm not winking at you ........ honest ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Ok you’re in Major League Baseball. You are the batter. You receive a pitch and you hit a fly ball. But it hits straight up giving you the opportunity to hit it again and you knock it out of the park.

    Does that count as a home run or is there some rule against this?
    • Useful Useful x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Is that yes a home run or yes there's a rule against it?
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
    3. pussy in boots
      A rule aginst it.
      pussy in boots, Sep 30, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
    4. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Thanks, Im trying to get to grips with the game and even went as far to get the old wii U out for a few home runs.....We have a game in the UK very similar called rounders that's played as kids....Doesn't quite have the same ring to it though, and a lot less rules
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
    5. pussy in boots
      As kids, males mostly we played Sandlot baseball. You batted till you got a hit. No base stealing. It was usually only 10 or so.
      pussy in boots, Sep 30, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
    6. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      We mainly got hit by the bigger kids, then batted.....and then hit again...It was an unpleasant childhood....Also had a game called British Bulldog that included getting hit a lot as well
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
  14. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    We some how ended up with some bagels, must have thought they were donuts.
    My question, being a Southern Belle, is what do you do with them?
    I do know they are eatable,
    • Funny Funny x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Truthful 1
      Why do you throw away the bottom do bagels have a bottom I guess some do depends what brand
      Truthful 1, Sep 27, 2019
      StrawberryCupcake likes this.
    3. StrawberryCupcake
      It’s too flat.
      StrawberryCupcake, Sep 27, 2019
    4. pussy in boots
      I am alergic to strawberries. Would grape or Apple jelly do?
      pussy in boots, Sep 27, 2019
      StrawberryCupcake likes this.
    5. StrawberryCupcake
      They make a blueberry one too. Jelly would be ok. Do you like apple butter?
      StrawberryCupcake, Sep 27, 2019
      NiteWalker likes this.
    6. Frustrated Housewife
      I love microwaving them for a few seconds and using onion and chive cream cheese.
      Frustrated Housewife, Sep 29, 2019
      NiteWalker and StrawberryCupcake like this.
  15. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    Got a haircut today..more of a buzz cut, to be honest.
    I was a little bummed to see all of the grey hair fall into my lap.
    I'm even more bummed now that I have a grey racing stripe from front to back on the right side of my head.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Truthful 1
      You old fuck
      Truthful 1, Sep 28, 2019
    3. Anniemated
      A silver fox is always sexy ;)
      Anniemated, Sep 28, 2019
    4. conroe4
      But a skunk, eh, not so much...
      conroe4, Sep 28, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
    5. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Skunk Boy :laugh:!!!......I have tried not to read your comments Rixer...Not that I dont like your witty jabs but due to the fact everything you say is how I would usually answer and just end up beating me to it but Skunk Boy made me laugh.....And Im laughing with you Valspar not at you......R I think I am
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
      Rixer and StrawberryCupcake like this.
    6. Rixer
      I do what I can, SSS. ;)
      Rixer, Sep 30, 2019
  16. Truthful 1

    Truthful 1 coal fired windmills Banned!

    Apr 7, 2018
    Why is my X-wife always late .
    • Like Like x 1
    1. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Just to piss U off maybe? R is that just mine......
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    2. Truthful 1
      She loves to fuck a day up , wasting days means nothing to her she's going to live forever
      Truthful 1, Sep 30, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
    3. SoulOfASuperSaiyan
      Sorry to hear she is going to live forever mate.....
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan, Sep 30, 2019
      Truthful 1 likes this.
    4. Truthful 1
      Yes she is a money sucking Vampire lol
      Truthful 1, Sep 30, 2019
      SoulOfASuperSaiyan likes this.
  17. Thatsoundsgreat

    Thatsoundsgreat Sex Machine

    Mar 31, 2019
    If people would link to the source, instead of posting whole damned articles in threads.

    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    @Frustrated Housewife

    I see that HGTV has the Brady restoration on a couple times tonight.

    I won’t watch it though because I think it’s full of subliminal ads for room dividing beads and lava lamps.

    I learned my lesson from last time when I gave myself an Afro and had an uncontrollable urge to buy platform shoes.
    • Funny Funny x 2
    1. Frustrated Housewife
      For some reason I HAD to watch it. They wouldn't like me helping them. Nothing bugs me more than seeing something that is "almost" perfect. I'm one of those annoying people that picks out the smallest error, like actually there were shutters all the way to the right and in the restoration, no shutters.
      Frustrated Housewife, Sep 29, 2019
      Truthful 1 and cirdellin like this.